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Be supported…

As you courageously deepen your relationship with G-d, with yourself, and with others.


I’m so happy for you that you are considering taking the Advanced Healing Course.
If you’re here, then you are probably someone who has been on quite a journey.

Something is brewing inside of there, and you have been hard at work.

Maybe you’ve been doing some deep inner work.
Maybe you’re in the process of a major transformation, working on your marriage, or stepping out into your mission.

Isn’t it time for a miraculous breakthrough?

“ The Advanced Healing Course became a pivotal experience for me as I healed so much. The course gave me the practical tools of how to extend self compassion to myself. I was also able to create a deeper connection to Hashem and my own Emunah. “

-MRS Sheryl Sarnak
(Instagram @wholebeingcoach)

The Advanced Healing Course

The Advanced Healing Course is a personal course designed for you to work with yourself to get to the next level of healing and to find change in all aspects of your life. It combines Torah sources, Chassidus, Emunah and Prayer with healing and relationship lessons and blends it all together with coaching, breathework, and music for a truly transformative experience.

Watch Yourself Come Alive
Like Never Before!

There is a place inside of us that longs to be understood, and for our true selves to be revealed. Many times in our life, we actually are drawn towards opportunities, experiences, and conversations that will help us find out more about ourselves.
However, there is nothing that compares to the work that a person can do in the safety and privacy of their own space.

-MRS Stephanie Gillo
-MRS Yehudis Wilkes
-MRS Nechama Brailovsky

“ Rivka Malka’s Restorative Healing course was phenomenal! Her gentle wisdom and amazing exercises helped me deepen my connection to Hashem. I found it to be the most nourishing food for the soul and it has enabled me to truly feel embraced and surrounded by Hashem’s lovingkindness, which is the ultimate source for authentic self-esteem. I’ve come to believe in my own Goodness and that is a miracle in itself! I highly recommend this course! It is a gift to our generation! “Thank you for this beautiful course. “

-MRS Debbie Silverman

We can get to a place of clarity and honesty that just doesn’t happen in daily conversation.

How would you like some nourishing time for yourself:

To expand your relationship with G-d to something even more personal and powerful.

To learn fresh principles of Torah thought that will ease your heart and guide your thoughts.

To receive clear instruction in navigating relationships and boundaries.

To open up to prayer and miracles like never before.

To achieve breakthroughs in places you never thought possible.

To heal from past stresses and difficult encounters.

To expand your relationship with G-d to something even more personal and powerful.

To connect to a kinder, more loving inner voice.

To forgive yourself and others in your past.

To build a relationship with the best version of yourself.

To amaze yourself with who you can become.

“ The Advanced Healing Course added such a critical element to my healing in this whole journey! I gained a clearer perspective on how G-d works in the world and my relationship with Him. It also really helped me to see where my ego fit in and helped me find humility, something I’ve always wanted. I highly recommend this series of classes to everyone. I love to listen to the recordings again to deepen my understanding and integrate these teachings into my life even further.
Thank you for this beautiful course. “

-MRS Sarah Leah (Susan) Eklove

How does this course work?

There are ten core topics.
Each topic has 3 videos that cover
three dimensions of healing.


The spiritual principle,

connecting to G-d
and to Torah clarity.


The emotional teaching,

shifting your relationship
with yourself and others.


The guided meditative exercises,

uncovering insights in your personal inner landscape.

“ The Advanced Healing Course with Rivka Malka was life changing for me. One of the central things I learned about was core beliefs, and how we have the ability to shift a negative one into something positive and affirming. The idea that we ingest mistaken beliefs, and they then become true for us and embedded in our neural pathways, is something I hadn’t fully taken in. It makes sense that even some level of mental awareness wouldn’t be enough to change something so embedded in our physical bodies. I have seen throughout this class that when I can reach down deeply enough, identify a core mistaken belief and work it into something positive, new pathways open for me. In class I uncovered the core belief, “I am in Danger.” This mistaken belief has been with me almost my whole life, and I believed it with my whole body. As I have begun to change that belief and the neural pathways related to it, I now see the possibility of being invincible. When I am invincible, I can do anything. Thank you, Rivka Malka! “

-MRS Ashira Zahavi

The Advanced Healing Course doesn’t just offer you information, it combines the intellect and the heart. You will take in rich information in Torah and psychology and be guided with compassionate instruction on how to bring healing into your life. Not only that, but you will be brought along on a full recorded transformational healing exercise to change your state and your life.

Hashkafa Healing

Spiritual teachings that will guide you in connecting to a more loving and powerful relationship with G-d and with life.

Restorative Healing

Healing ideas that teach you to restore your inner world to serenity and empowerment and profoundly shift your relationships.

Guided Meditation Exercises

Transformative personal experiences complete with coaching, music and breathwork to walk you through deep insights, breakthroughs and change.
Every part of the course is transformative. From fresh new ideas to meditative exercises, recorded visualizations, breathwork, guided prompts, prayer, and movement. It is backed by the desire to guide women in gentleness and love to make the changes they want to make.

“ This is a course that takes you through the inner landscape of the heart and soul. It’s just for you.
It’s made for women.
Transform your inner world and watch your outer world come alive with miracles. “

-MRS Hannah Tamar Oppenheimer