Physical intimacy is

The most beautiful part of life?

A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

Men and women both, yearn for a relationship that feels amazing on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
No matter where your relationship is now, there is always hope.
Our intention is that you will be able to take the information from each one of these classes and apply it immediately.

Rivka malka Perlman and Devora Boroosan

Welcome You to A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

A candid, compassionate conversation that embraces Torah values.

our commitment

To give you the practical information that you need to improve your connection and find deeper happiness in your marriage.
To give you hope and empower you with Torah, tips and information.
To help you create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

Some of the

Topics Covered

Getting comfortable with all aspects of intimacy

Halachos of the bedroom

Working with depression and health issues and its effect on your intimate life

The new rules of intimacy

Building an intimate life while raising children

How to reignite passion when you’ve been married for a while

How do deal with the feeling of rejection

What is intimate communication?

Body image issues

A deeper look at what matters to men

Physical, technical information

A deeper look at what matters to women

Body image issues

The Me and the We in married life

When one partner runs hot and one runs cold


no matter what a marriage looks like now, deep down we all want

more closeness, more connection, and more intimacy.

A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

Intimacy Can Either Bring You Closeness and Nurturing or Heartache and Confusion.

Where can you get practical tips that work in real life scenarios?
How can you get your intimate life to be more exciting?
How can you heal your intimate life when it has been painful?

What will you receive

In This Course:

Introductory class to A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

1 hour+ classes filled with information on A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

Q&As for Men on A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

Q&As for Women on A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

General Q&A Sessions on A Couple’s Guide to Enhanced Intimacy

Introduction to The Formula for a Fulfilling Marriage

Classes on The Formula for a Fulfilling Marriage

Q&A for Men on The Formula for a Fulfilling Marriage

Q&A for Women on The Formula for a Fulfilling Marriage

Bonus COURSE 4-part series on Intimacy After Menopause

Bonus CLASSHow to Speak to Children About Intimacy

You will get immediate online access to listen to each session, giving you everything you need to implement these powerful tools into your life quickly and easily.

There are 2 choices available. The Audio and Video course or the Audio Only course.

vAlue of   $699.00


you’ll pay $499.00

How This

Course Started

When Jewish Workshops approached me to give intimacy classes I told them “Yes, I would love to. However, I will only do it together with my sister Devora Boroosan. Devora has spent 36 years counseling couples in marriage and intimacy. She is backed by Rabbanim and has asked hundreds, if not thousands, of Shailos (questions about Torah law) on the topic of intimacy. Jewish Workshops agreed and so began our course on intimacy. The response was amazing. With God’s help, it was their most successful course of all time. Now we want to offer it to you.

No fancy campaigns, no waiting for us to start. Just all the information, right here, right now, so that you can begin to shift your relationship right away.

This course was made with the guidance of Rabbanim and Poskim. Haskamos available upon request.

feedback on

Our course

“ I’m amazed how you take these topics, such deep delicate questions and courageously say what needs to be said in a way that’s straightforward and compassionate for ourselves and for our spouses needs. “

“ These past 2 classes were very informative and thought provoking. Thank you!! May Hashem continue to bless you with all the knowledge and messages He wants to give over to His beautiful children. “

“ the most incredible part of how you fearlessly address these topics to both men women at the same time! the idea of both spouses hearing in depth what goes on for our spouses and instructions on how to best give and receive from our spouses is unique and so beneficial “

“You have done such a tremendous job in the intro and first class of giving over enlightening content while also touching on the real pain people are going through in a sensitive and comforting nature.

“ You’re definitely a dynamic duo, and I’m so grateful we have the opportunity to work together. I can’t wait to hear more! Thank you for all that you’re doing for our community.“


My website’s mission is to bring women all around the world the opportunity for real spiritual growth, loving community and the healing they’ve always dreamed of.

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